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- Death of Local Democracy!by Stuart JefferyMaidstone Greens are to protest against the “Death of Local Democracy” outside County Hall in Maidstone on Thursday 9th Jan between 9am and 10am, just before Kent County Councillors decide whether to approve the current leader’s intention/wish to cancel the May local elections. Greens from across Kent will be joining this protest. The current KCC… Read more: Death of Local Democracy!
- Greens blast reforms as centralisation but vow to work to make them betterby Stuart JefferyThe Green Leader of Maidstone Borough Council, Cllr Stuart Jeffery, has blasted the devolution proposals as centralisation of power and damaging to democracy but he has vowed to work with other councils and parties across Kent to make sure the changes work best for Kent residents. Cllr Stuart Jeffery (Green Leader of Maidstone Borough Council):… Read more: Greens blast reforms as centralisation but vow to work to make them better
- Maidstone’s Green Candidates’ leafletsby Stuart Jeffery
- Green welcome Maidstone first Prideby Stuart JefferyMaidstone Greens have welcomed Maidstone first Pride event in the town. Pride celebrates LGBTQIA+ people, welcomes diversity and protests against inequality. Local Greens joined the march through the town and joined the main event in Lockmeadow. Cllr Stuart Jeffery said, “We are all really grateful for the organisers and all who took part in Maidstone’s… Read more: Green welcome Maidstone first Pride
- A new partnership will run Maidstone Borough CouncilThe Green and Independent Alliance and the Liberal Democrat group on Maidstone Borough Council have signed an agreement to form a partnership to run the Council for the next four years. The new Cabinet will be confirmed at the Council’s AGM on Saturday 18th May. The new Cabinet will deliver a significant programme of change… Read more: A new partnership will run Maidstone Borough Council
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