Have Your Say: Kent County Council Household Waste Recycling Centres consultation

The scourge of fly-tipping has worsened considerably in the borough over the last year. Government figures have revealed that there has been a 31% increase in Maidstone last year, from 1,634 incidents to 2,402. Maidstone Greens believe that in part this is due to the restriction of access to household waste sites due to the pandemic, with people often having to wait months for a ‘slot’ at the household waste recycling centre in Tovil.

Now KCC has launched a consultation to ask for your views on the online booking system now being used in Kent. Make sure to get your views in before Thursday 30th September.

KCC has launched a consultation ‘Booking to visit a Household Waste Recycling Centre (HWRC)’. The consultation seeks views on the continuation of a booking system to visit KCC Household Waste Recycling Centres. The consultation questionnaire and supporting documents can be found at www.kent.gov.uk/wasteconsultation

The consultation is available until Thursday 30 September 2021.

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