No material action to stop idling by MBC

After its promise four years ago, Maidstone Borough Council has done nothing to stop idling car engines despite its promises to tackle taxis and buses. Local Green campaigner, Stuart Jeffery, challenged the council at this weeks meeting and was told that the council will review its plans later this year.

Stuart Jeffery: “Since it agreed its air quality plan in 2017 around 300 people have died prematurely as a result of air pollution yet very little has changed. The council has made no reductions or material effort to reduce engine idling despite its promises.

“Buses and taxis continue to idle on the High St and parents idle their engines outside schools. The pollution hits the lungs of shoppers, children and local residents. Air pollution is the biggest global preventable killer and many of our schools have air pollution levels in excess of WHO limits.

“It is time that the council took the problem seriously including enforcing the law as other councils do. It must take real action to reduce pollution. People are dying.”

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