Maidstone Greens welcome new 20mph zone in Maidstone

Local Greens have welcomed the new 20mph zone around Buckland Hill and St Peter’s Street in Maidstone as a boost for road safety and to help reduce pollution. Locally, the Greens have led campaigns for 20mph limits on all residential roads across the Borough.

Stuart Jeffery, Green Party campaigner in Bridge Ward where the new limit is said, “I was really pleased to see these signs go up. Not only is this a largely residential area we also have three large schools here.

“20mph should be the default speed limit in all residential streets. It helps make streets safer and more friendly for walkers and cyclists. It even reduces pollution from traffic. What’s not to like?

“We are continuing to campaign for more of these limits and will not stop until Maidstone has 20 by default.”

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