Low spend on cycling and walking by KCC revealed

Kent County Council has been criticised for spending seven times more on road “improvements” than cycling or walking schemes across the Borough of Maidstone. When the A249  and A229 changes are factored in, this multiple rises to several hundreds of time more on roads.

Stuart Jeffery, Green Party campaigner in Maidstone, “The difference in spending on improving roads so that more cars can use them and the amount spent making it easier to walk an cycle is staggering.

“On the minor roads last year, seven times more was spent on tarmac for cars than helping people walk or cycle. If we add in the major schemes such as the A249 and A229 changes, that multiple is in the many hundreds. It is no wonder we have a transport disaster in the Borough.

“The Council claims to support action to tackle climate change and air pollution yet the council continues to promote and fund roads for cars meaning more noise and air pollution as well as more road accidents. The significant benefits to health from walking and cycling are well known.

“The Council needs to put its money where its mouth is.”


•          KCC figures show: £144k on cycling and walking vs £1.1m on roads for cars in 2020/21.

•          £142m for the A229 improvements https://www.kent.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0005/122099/Blue-Bell-Hill-consultation-brochure.pdf

•          £90m A249 Stockbury “improvements”

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