Pollution Patrol is good, but we really need decisive action on air pollution

The new Pollution Patrol initiative from Kent Air is nice to see, but it gives the false impression that councils are taking decisive action to protect our health, say local Greens in Maidstone.

MBC Cllr Stuart Jeffery (Green Party), “We need to be teaching children about the appalling impact that air pollution has on people’s health and the Pollution Patrol looks right for this but what is needed is concerted and decisive action.

“Nothing has been done to reduce the volume of cars through the town and little has been done to reduce the pollution from buses and lorries yet these are primary sources of air pollution, pollution which is linked to diseases including cardiac disease, strokes, respiratory disease, lung cancer, kidney disease and dementia.

“With around 70 early deaths each year linked to air pollution in Maidstone both KCC and Maidstone Borough Council need to take this killer seriously and tackle the car dependency they have created.”

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