Bus service to Shaftesbury Drive saved

Local Greens have worked with residents of Shaftesbury Drive and Queens Road to halt the full closure of the much needed 78 service. After a 300 strong petition, lobbying of KCC and discussions with Nu Venture, Nu Venture have agreed to reduce the service rather than end it altogether.

Cllr Stuart Jeffery, Bridge Ward: “It’s not perfect but better than I though we would achieve. After a weekend collecting petition signatures with local residents, talking to KCC’s transport chief, Cllr Brazier, by email trying to get him to do something or anything, I met with the owner of Nu Venture on Monday.

“I explained how essential the 78 to people and asked whether there was anything he could do to prevent the isolation of having no bus at all during the day. I told him about the 300 signatures that had been collected over the weekend. He agreed to have another look at the routes he runs and has come up with a plan.”

Rachel Rodwell, Green Party campaigner for Allington: “The collective effort and pressure was essential. People power works!”

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