Anger at Cabinet member ignoring council committee’s opposition to Hermitage Quarry extension

After a protest outside the Town Hall organised by Green campaigner Rachel Rodwell, speeches from residents and visiting councillors and a long debate by the Planning, Infrastructure and Economic Development Policy Advisory Committee on Wednesday 6th September the right decision was made to recommend that Cllr Cooper, the Conservative Cabinet member for Planning and Infrastructure change his letter to KCC to one that strongly opposes the extension of Hermitage Quarry across 50 hectares of ancient woodland.

It has just been revealed that Cllr Cooper has ignored this decision and has submitted a further letter in support of the quarry extension.

Cllr Stuart Jeffery, “I can’t tell you how angry I am. We learnt today that Cllr Cooper has completely ignored both the committee and the public and continued with his caveated support for the quarry extension. Although this is his right under the Council’s current constitution, it is still a complete slap in the face for democracy.

“I, along with Cllrs Jones and J Sams, have called-in the decision to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for further discussion. I will argue for a referral to full Council as we believe his decision is fundamentally wrong.”

The petition to Save Oaken Wood is still open:

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