Fury at council sell off of much needed building

Local Greens have reacted angrily to news that Kent County Council are selling off the former Adult Education Centre in Maidstone. The building on St Faiths Street is up for auction later this month. The Greens have been pushing for an arts hub in the town and Cllr Derek Eagle, Maidstone Green Party’s spokesperson on the arts, is at an MBC committee on 5th March to discuss plans that consider other venues.

Cllr Derek Eagle (Green Party), “I’m furious that Kent County Council are putting the former Adult Education Centre on the open market particularly when Maidstone Borough Council is looking for a place to set up an arts hub. “KCC’s failures should not be allowed to ride roughshod over our town. This building may be just what Maidstone needs and we have the drive to bring it back into use.

“We have asked Maidstone Borough Council’s officers to look into this and to see if there is any way of ensuring that the building comes to us for the public’s benefit.”

Link: https://www.cliveemson.co.uk/properties/248/41/

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