
Voter ID

The government has introduced new voter ID rules for elections, for information click here

Have you registered to vote?

If you haven’t already, apply to register to vote. This can be done online here, or you can download a paper form to complete here. You must be registered to vote by 11:59pm on Tuesday 16 April in order to vote in the elections on 2nd May 2024

Perhaps you would prefer a postal vote?

Please follow the following link to the Maidstone Borough Council postal vote application page (please note postal vote applications close at 5pm on 17th April 2024) https://maidstone.gov.uk/home/primary-services/council-and-democracy/pr…

Where and how to vote?

Please follow the following link for more information and where you find your local Polling Station.  https://maidstone.gov.uk/home/primary-services/council-and-democracy/primary-areas/voting-And-elections/tier-3-primary-areas/find-your-polling-station

Which Maidstone Wards are holding elections this year?

Whole Council Elections 2024
  1. Maidstone Borough Council on 8 December 2021 passed a resolution to move from elections by thirds to a scheme of whole-council elections and is now subject to the scheme for whole-council elections under section 34 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 (as amended);
  2. The elections under whole-council elections will first take place in 2024 at the timing of the ordinary elections;
  3. Whole-council elections means that all wards of the Borough, and all Councillor vacancies will be up for election at the same time each with a term of 4 years.

All of the following Maidstone Borough wards are electing either 1, 2  or 3 new councillors this year (2024);

The names of the wards do not always easily indicate where the ward boundaries extend to so for further information about ward maps please click on the following link to the ward boundary map https://maidstone.gov.uk/home/primary-services/council-and-democracy/pr…

Whole Council Elections 2024

The election timetable with the key important dates can be seen by clicking on the following link:


Donate and Support our Campaign

The Green Party, rely on donations from ordinary members to fund our activities.  Please consider a one off donation, or setting up a regular monthly donation to help us fight and win more seats in this election. Donate online now

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