Across the Borough, we will focus on helping everyone live more cheaply and sustainably while protecting the vulnerable and improving equality and health. We will focus on reducing pollution and protecting green spaces. We will do so without costing the Earth.
Sustainable transport for the Borough not more gridlock
- Work with residents and Kent County Council to produce an integrated and sustainable transport plan for the Borough.
- Prioritise more buses, walking and cycling to ensure that there are viable alternatives to driving.
- A return of Park and Ride and will work with companies and KCC to get more frequent rural buses that run later into the evening.

Housing fit for current and future needs

- Increase the provision of temporary accommodation and build more social housing to reduce homelessness and ensure that everyone who needs a home gets one.
- Work with others to help residents have warm, insulated homes that save money on their bills.
- Make sure that all new homes are low carbon and we will become a flagship Borough for truly sustainable development.
- Protect much needed farmland and woodland from overdevelopment.
Protecting our environment and reducing pollution
- Work with other agencies to clean up the Medway and its tributaries, and we will work with water companies to improve supplies to villages.
- Deliver strong action in partnership on climate change and biodiversity that helps protect residents now and in the future.
- Prioritise protecting our wildlife; prosecute fly tippers and other waste criminals.
- We recognise that people and the environment are interconnected, and this will underpin all our decision making for the benefit of future generations.

A healthier, stronger community

- Shared leadership with community groups and local charities to ensure that we reduce deprivation, social isolation and poor health across the Borough.
- Ensure that we communicate with everyone, in each household through Borough magazines and community events, as well as digitally, to build a stronger community.
- Prioritise involving young people (both in school and beyond) in consultation and action, so the next generation plays a more significant part in leading the sustainable development of the Borough.
- Work with local NHS and care services to support better services for local people and we will put health, as well as sustainability, at the heart of our policies.
- Work with local police and strengthen community protection and enforcement teams to tackle antisocial behaviour and other enforcement issues while also trying to tackle the root causes of these.
- We will find ways to support community initiatives, for example the urban blue bus and community larder.
Promoting a circular and sustainable economy with jobs fit for the future
- Encourage a strong sustainable economy that meets the needs of local people. We aim to integrate the needs of rural areas and the town centre.
- Promote local business that creates a more circular economy. Support local farmers to increase access to local food.
- Work with broadband providers to ensure that everyone who needs it has access, particularly those in rural areas.
- Put sustainability, as well as health, at the heart of our policies