Bus station plans: An expensive lick of paint say Greens

Maidstone Greens have brandished the council’s £1 million revamp of the bus station as “an expensive lick of paint “ and “a wasted opportunity”. Maidstone Borough Council are consulting on plans to give the station a “new look” but the Greens have said that the money would be better spent elsewhere.

Steve Cheeseman, Maidstone Green Party: “The proposals for the bus station appear to be little more than an expensive lick of paint. Maidstone is desperate for real investment to reduce polluting traffic on our roads but the refurbishment of the bus station will not do that, this is a wasted opportunity.

“For example, the council could help fund the switch from diesel buses to fully electric buses which are slightly more expensive. It could fund a cycle lane into the town from Loose and Shepway, cutting down traffic in the second most polluted area in the south east, Upper Stone Street. It could even fund electric taxis.

“There are many ways this money could improve the air quality and sustainability of the town but painting the bus station isn’t one of them.”


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