Use brownfield sites for housing in Maidstone

Maidstone Greens are calling on the Borough Council to rethink their strategic housing plans in light of the new report from CPRE on brownfield site availability. The Council’s own assessment highlights around 100 hectares available for housing in the Borough, potentially providing ten thousand affordable new homes for those in need.

Mike Summersgill, the Green’s campaigner in Marden: “While councillors argue over which area of our precious farmland to build executive homes on, they are failing to provide much needed affordable housing close to jobs and transport links on previously developed sites.

“Not only should they make sure that these derelict/brownfield sites are used for homes before farm and woodland is considered, they should be making a far greater stance against central government.

“Last year the council declared a climate and biodiversity emergency. It is now time they acted on their declaration and started to protect the environment.”

• CPRE report:
• MBC’s brownfield site assessment:

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