Local elections: your opportunity to make a difference

Maidstone Greens are fielding the second largest number of candidates in this years local elections in Maidstone.

Maidstone Green Party, who have been campaigning tirelessly on issues that matter to local people such as stopping the rampant house building on farm and woodland, making our roads safer and tackling pollution, have gained significant support in recent years.

Sixteen candidates have been chosen for the election on May 5th:

AllingtonIan McDonald
BearstedCiaran Oliver
BoxleySusie Parr
BridgeStuart Jeffery
CoxheathClaire Kehily
EastDonna Greenan
FantKimmy Millham
HeadcornDerek Eagle
HeathMatt White
High StSteve Cheeseman
MardenMike Summersgill
NorthStephen Thompson
Park woodCaroline Jessel
Shepway NorthSteve Muggeridge
SouthSimon Milham
StaplehurstMeg Shepherd-Foster

To find out more about our candidates for the May 2022 borough elections, please see our dedicated page here

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