Greens force Tory hands on Oaken Wood

Greens in Maidstone were celebrating after victory at the full Council meeting in Maidstone last night as their motion against the quarrying of Oaken Wood was supported by a majority of councillors. Oaken Wood is a huge and nationally recognised ancient woodland on the outskirts of the town. The motion was brought to the full Council after the Conservative Cabinet Member, Paul Cooper, sent a letter of support for the quarry to KCC. 

Cllr Stuart Jeffery, Green Party and Group Leader for the Green Independent Alliance on Maidstone Borough Council: “I am overjoyed with the result of the vote on my motion to oppose the quarry extension across Oaken Wood. This ancient woodland is irreplaceable and losing it for the sake of crushed rock to build more roads is madness, even more so at a time of climate and ecological crisis.

“While Maidstone Borough Council are not the decision makers in the plans, we do have significant influence. It was very sad to see the Conservative Cabinet Member double down on his support for the quarry earlier this year. This vote has shown them how each councillor feels and I hope the Conservatives now listen on this issue of national importance.

“The loss of this woodland would be the biggest loss of ancient woodland in the UK this century. We will continue our fight to keep it.”


  • The extension to Hermitage Quarry across Oaken Wood was proposed by KCC 
  • Over 25,000 objections were lodged.
  • The Conservative Cabinet Member on Maidstone Borough Council wrote in support of the quarry despite his advisory committee advising opposition.
  • KCC have since delayed their plans to allow for more investigation and assessment.
  • Oaken Wood would lose 50ha of ancient woodland under the plans. This would be a bigger loss to ancient woodland than HS2 and Lower Thames Crossing combined. 
  • The motion was proposed by Cllr Jeffery and seconded by Cllr English. The motion said: “This Council states that Hermitage Quarry should not be further extended into Oaken Wood in Barming, an irreplaceable ancient woodland, and asks that the Cabinet reconsiders its support for KCC’s plans.”
  • Cllr Jeffery asked that the votes of each member be recorded in the council minutes.
  • The vote was won 28 to 21 against with 2 abstentions.
  • Council debate is shown here: 
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