Council’s Air Quality report shows little progress

Maidstone Greens have reacted angrily to the silent release by Maidstone Borough Council of its Air Quality Annual Status Report and have criticised its self-congratulatory claims. The report shows that the significant problems in Upper and Lower Stone Street remain with almost double the legal limit for pollution being recorded.

Donna Greenan of Maidstone Green Party: “Air pollution in Maidstone continues to kill and Maidstone remains one of the most polluted towns in the country outside of London so we were shocked to the council’s new self-congratulatory report on air pollution. Lower and Upper Stone Street remain above legal limits for air pollution, damaging the health of people living there and those using the road. In some cases readings were nearly twice the legal limit.

“The council not only fails to bring in simple measures such as anti-idling enforcement, it claims that air pollution levels below the legal limit are a success. This is simply complacency, air pollution kills at levels below the legal limit too. The council needs to be taking concerted action, not giving itself a pat on the back.

“We want to see real action taken on air pollution such as the introduction of an ultra-low emission zone, proper infrastructure for cyclists, a light rail service, trolley and electric buses, and of course making walking a pleasant and easy experience. We provided all of these suggestions to the Council last year as a real green travel plan for Maidstone.”


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